Thursday, 15 October 2009

Bee Careful to Follow our Blogs!


So, we're back in the blogging game again today. We have been busy bees of late, which is more than I can say for the poor actual bees who seem to be dying out in some kind of bee apocalypse.

We've decided to re-focus our blog approach. So far, it's just been a case of letting you know what we've been up to, like crewing as the cameramen for this music vid, for example...

...but from now on, we're going to be posting more regularly, and sharing lots of the different things we've been learning on our quest to become great film-makers.

Both Stu and myself are interested in all the different aspects of film-making, so it'll be a bit of a mish-mash of subjects, plus we'll be doing some reviews and other random stuff too, but hopefully that means there'll be at least one thing a week which will keep you interested. :-)

Last night we were at a special seminar in Dundee, put on by the BBC Writersroom. It was a really informative look at improving your writing, as well as an opportunity for them to remind us about their upcoming screenplay competition. If you're a writer, you should check out the Writersroom website and get yourself signed up for their email bulletins!

Tomorrow, I'll be posting a couple of the points from their seminar. Stay tuned!


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