Tuesday, 14 July 2009

Robo Boogie

Hello out there, blog fans (yes, Phil and Pavel, I'm talking to you)!

What a long time it's been since our last blog! Never fear, a new wave of blog euphoria has swept the "man ALIVE" office and we intend to blast you with a barrage of blog-type ammunition every day for the foreseeable future. We're even about to set up a new youtube channel that will provide little easter eggs for you, yes YOU, to check out as you read. Isn't that special?

Today, Stu and I are deliberating over some ideas for our new project with the Scottish Social Work department. The aim is to communicate the Codes of Practice in an entertaining way, and we've finally all agreed that the best way to do this is to bring a very small robot into the mix. If you have any ideas for funny scenarios involving little robots, feel free to send them our way, although we'll nick them and use them, so be warned!

One of the reasons we've taken so long to blog again is that we've been away in Poland, which was INCREDIBLE! If you'd like to hear about why, or you just want some banter, please add us on facebook (stu/liam) or twitter (stu/liam) or both, and send us a wee message.

In the meantime, here's a couple of our most recent sketches to keep you occupied...

Much love!


P.S. When you say someone is still "green", you know, like a "rookie", is it because bananas are green when they're not ripe? curious...

Subscribe to our youtube accounts!


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